Transcription Factors and Their Targets

Our studies of the hypoxia response pathway have recently focused on the pathways terminal effector: the transcription factor HIF-1. An ultimate goal in studying any signaling pathway that regulates gene expression at the transcriptional level is to identify and characterize all of the transcriptional targets of the pathway. To that end, we are using RNA-seq, ChIP-seq, and other Omics techniques to identify all of the target genes regulated by HIF-1. We are employing novel computational approaches to separate true targets from background noise and the technical artifacts that often arise when one uses these technical approaches. We are beginning to collaborate with other C. elegans researchers to use these same approaches to identify transcriptional targets of other interesting transcription factors and signal transduction pathways in the worm.

Questions About Transcription Factors

Where do transcription factors bind in the genome?

What computational tools can we use to identify their true regulatory targets?

How does the transcriptional profile activated by a signal transduction pathway change over time?

What is the relationship between transcription factor binding, the regulation of gene expression, and changes in the epigenetic chromatin landscape?


Mitophagy and Mitochondrial Quality Control